​Many words used within this story are either inspired by, derived from, or direct translations of Scottish Gaelic. There may be a variation in word choice and pronunciation due to different local dialects. There are unique sounds in Gaelic which are difficult to mimic using English phonetics. Therefore, it is recommended that readers access an online Scottish Gaelic dictionary to hear sound files of these words for accurate pronunciation and further learning.
Locations within Erisocia:
Tìr Teine Cheer Chey nuh
Tìr Sgàile Cheer Skal-uh
Tìr Ùir Cheer Oor
Tìr Uisge Cheer oosh guh
Tìr Adhair Cheer ah air
(Reader note: To be completely correct in Scottish Gaelic the addition of ‘an’ or ‘na’ should be used here. i.e. Tìr an Teine/ Tìr na Sgàile)
Place Names:
Àird Lasair Arsht Lass air
Àird Caolas Arsht Coo liss
(Reader note: To be completely correct in Scottish Gaelic the Àird would change Lasair to Lasrach and Caolas to a’Chaolais)
Penryth Pen rith
Truvo True voh
Saiphir Sea Saf fire sea
Smàrag Sea S mah rak sea
Deàrr Mountains Jah-r Mountains
Beinn Deataiche Bine Je tach